Day: September 17, 2007

professional patient

professional patient

another day, another scan. i can safely say that if someone clever at washington radiology had a little too much to drink and perhaps a little more time on his hands, he could have fun piecing together various body parts of mine which have been scanned over the past year and a half, thanks to my illness. i suspect that one night, BS will wake up and see my body, bright in the darkness, beside him. i suppose it would be a way to earn extra money (come see the freaky-ass mom who glows in the dark!) and hell, it will make it easy for the cars to see me and my kids come halloween night!

last week’s scan of my abdomen showed i have either a little gallstone or a polyp. joy. my doctor isn’t convinced that something that small is causing my discomfort — he’s wondering if something else is causing me pain. (like i even want to find out.) today, i had to get a scan of my chest (no, not a mammogram — although that’s overdue for this year, too) to see whether those fun little nodules i have in my lungs stayed put, or whether they’ve decided to do something crazy (like form a third political party).

it was one of the radiology tech’s first day at work today, so i had to explain why i was getting today’s CT chest scan. how people with CVID often get infections and fun things show up on chest and sinus scans because of it. its the same reason, essentially, why i get to have my very first endoscopy later this week. (can you say higher incidence of stomach cancer?) boy, there’s nothing more fun than having a tube down your throat. oh, wait. there is. having an endoscopy AND a colonoscopy at the same time. now THAT’S got to be more fun than humans ought to be allowed to have.

i can’t wait for september to be over. i scheduled all my fun things — plus some more IVIG goodness next week — this month. next month, i want a new challenge. something really scary, not like this life-threatening illness crap.

i think i’ll take up skydiving, though photocopying my ass seems equally dangerous and more in order.

super why!

super why!

please G-d, get the super why! theme song out of my head!

it all started when i heard about this great new pbs kids show called super why! a wonderful reading show. i looked it up at to find it was not on yet. of course, they had a first episode on line, so jools immediately hooked himself up to it. and he hasn’t stopped since.

now, we TIVO the show, in spite of WETA’s and TIVO’s disagreement over when the show is actually on. and i’l be darned if the theme isn’t catchy, in that overblown, love boat theme meets something groovy circa 1972. (i wonder if lenny kravitz might be behind the music somehow.)

if it helps jools start down the happy course of reading, well, i’ll get over myself r e a l l y fast.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa