in large amounts.
it’s almost a new year for red sea pedestrian types, so why not make a resolution? and hey, you don’t have to be a red sea pedestrian to get on this train, anyway.
i want to feel healthier. i want to feel better. i struggle with my health issues, and i realize that i need to be even stronger and tougher, as things are not getting any easier in life.
so here are my new year’s resolutions, and i hope i keep to the plan:
1) eat cleaner, simpler foods. sure, i can have a cheat meal now and again, but i need to eat better. no one else in this house needs to be following this regime, though it certainly would be beneficial for them. but i need to lay off their cookies and yummy stuff. and if i bite it, i’d better write it down. everything counts (in large amounts.) goal one: one cheat meal/week.
2) work out. i don’t need tiger dad at the gym to guilt me into coming back. and there will be days when i can’t get to the community center gym, so i just need to walk or run or do something else. if i don’t do it right after i take the boy to school, i never do it. so i need to kick my own ass and do something. and i know it’s boring, but some of these workouts must be weight training ones. goal one: as many as 5 days/week.
3) try to be more positive. (i know, i know, this coming from little miss self deprecation.) try to be less snarky. maybe it will rub off on my kids! seriously, this might be key.
anyway, i will try my best to not become pollyanna-ish ( could you see me doing that, anyway? really?) but i may start to chronicle my journey here.
and if anyone else is doing something similar, i could do with the support. feel free to weigh in (ha! i slay myself sometimes) in the comments. tips, workout mix suggestions, hell, anything as long as it is positive, feel free.
good ideas and wishes all count. especially in large amounts.
Feel better, Darlin! Have you tried Greek yogurt and Scotch? Noms!
I’m with you, sister! Fourth week of recovery from my gall bladder operation, and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as far as starting to exercise again.
And I have learned that *anything* with fat and some nasty perservatives is going to cause tummy troubles.
Let’s not forget that I also need to continue on my weightloss journey – say another 80 lbs or so.
Finally, I need to be around for Zach for as long as possible.
So yeah, how about we check in on each other every so often?
I’m right behind you, Sher! I need to get BACK on the exercise train (dealing with physical therapy issues on hamstring though making running unwise).
This may not be an option for you, but ultimately I found that the only reliable time for me to do my workout was before anyone else was up (e.g., 5:30 or even 5 AM). Once my day was started, there was no way to fit in even a brief workout, much less a GOOD one, until after the kids went to bed – and I’m generally not in the mood to do physical work at that hour. The big key item for me: Whatever time you pick – commit to it. It’s a scheduled part of your day; what you do at that hour whether you feel like it or not (outside of health considerations).
Good luck – I’m rooting for ya!
thanks for the tip! and leah, you’re on! i am writing my food down on, and my goal is to workout right after i drop the boy off at school!!!