Clips, Kudos and Craziness

lucky for me, i’ve had so many professional lives. here.  i’ll highlight some of the freelance work i did for the Washington Post, AOL/Digital City, plus a few fun random links i like to think of as links o’ fun.

note that as times change, plenty of blurbage ended up in the ether (people aren’t always so very careful about making sure their links remain the same, sadly), so i’m now putting the verbage under different articles in case things end up in that great big web in the sky. and i’ve removed some links, like the DC Family Friendly Restaurant Map from Ning. (thanks a lot, Ning, for killing participatory goodness.)

Washington Post clips

Digital City Work

Arizona (for Digital City-Phoenix)

New York (for Digital City-Long Island)

Vermont (for Digital City-Burlington, VT)

Brijit Abstract Work (a complete page of my Brijit work is here, as Brijit is currently out of funding.)

E-Patient Interview

General Web Kudos

Three Cheers for the Urban Institute’s new website

January 10, 2006

The Urban Institute recently unveiled a new website design. It’s cool, it’s attractive, it’s modern, and you know what else? All of the old links to their existing material still work! Yes, it appears they changed underlying content management systems and and needed to change the URLs, but the old URLs still work!

Given that prisonsucks is little but edited links to other research available on the internet, you imagine why we take this issue seriously.

We’ve been ranting about the importance of preserving links and offering technical solutions for years. Typically, we get ignored, so we are thrilled to see organizations like the Urban Institute treat their web visitors and their website with respect.

So to our colleagues who run websites for other organizations, we point to the Urban Institute’s website as a great example that even if your website is absolutely huge, it’s entirely possible to put the interests of your visitors above your choice of technology solution. All you have to do is make sure your technology vendor is going to preserve your old URLs.

And to the Urban Institute, we offer our congratulations on the new site. It looks great, and the thousands of users of this site — and the billions of people who use Google — can find your carefully prepared documents just as easily as they could before. That’s a win for everyone.


The Urban Institute Launched its Sexy New Website Rife with RSS Feeds

I am pleased to announce that the hallowed Urban Institute has launched their new website. Best part: comprehensive RSS feeds. Kudos to Sheryl Stein and Kathleen Courrier, among other.

MuniNet Guide

Urban Institute, comprised of ten research centers, examines current social and economic public policy issues. Its lively home page highlights the organization’s newest research – on topics ranging from welfare to tax reform, child safety to immigration trends. This site provides fresh, comprehensive, and wide-ranging information in style. Crisp and easy to navigate, it offers many noteworthy features. Many of the Institute’s major research presentations are presented in abstract form, with reference (and access) to the full report. The “UI Toolkit�? is designed to educate and inform visitors about a variety of today’s hot topics through research reports, policy briefs, statistical data, and a “jargon decoder.�? We also like its “5 Questions for the Experts�? feature, updated every three weeks, which provides deeper insight into a current social policy issue. The Urban Institute was among the first in its class to launch podcasts – downloadable audio presentations that can be played back on a computer or MP3 player.



Washington Post article about me and my crazy CVID Diagnosis

Washington Post article featuring my kids and me

My girl makes it into the Washington Post. Again.

Washington Post article featuring my letter on the concept of Gifted

So you’d like to… Read Subversive Books To Your Child

Amazon.Com Reviews

Smith Magazine MOMoirs Winner


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