she's my pride and joy

BC entered a poem she wrote last year in 2nd grade English class in the county fair. she re-typed it (her teacher had typed up the original after she had written it, and everything had to be done by the kid, so i made her do it.) and even though our printer was on the fritz and printed the poem in lavender ink rather than black, in it went. BC didn’t think the lavender ink was a problem. my kid writes purple prose, bahahaha. (english major joke there.)

nevermind the fact that in the poem, she talks about how i’m getting ready to go to a party. like i’ve been to a party recently? one that doesn’t involve a guest of honor below the age of 10? so thanks to her poem, the greater metro area thinks i put on makeup and go out evenings, leaving my poor beleaguered spouse to fend for himself with the kids. as if.

but anyway, i’m absolutely tickled. the chick won 2nd prize — a red ribbon — for her poem. i tried to take her picture with it — five times– and she blinked. in every single photo.

yep. that’s my girl 🙂

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