month of 70's GPMs: let's stay together (al green)

who doesn’t love the reverend al? (no, not that one.)

al green has an amazingly scratchysmooth, soulful voice. i would probably listen to him sing the phone book and be glad. for years, he tried to sing like his hero jackie wilson (it’s what made his father kick him out of the family band.) he succeeded in secular soul for years…

until he had a sign from G-d in the form of a pan of scalding grits. one married woman who had befriended green threw the aforementioned pan at him while he was getting out of a shower or bath, burning him over a decent portion of his body. she then proceeded to find his gun and shot herself to death.

next thing you know, he’s the reverend al and he’s singing gospel and not walking on the devil’s sidewalk.

every now and again, he jumps back into secular music. his stuff is often covered — most notably the talking heads cover of take me to the river — but ain’t nothin’ like the real thing, baby.

3 thoughts on “month of 70's GPMs: let's stay together (al green)

  1. My wife and I consider “Let’s Stay Together” our song.

    Last night I picked Sarah up from the Manchester airport and we decided to treat ourselves to a night out at an upscale diner in White River Junction. The check comes and we were finishing our drinks when the live musicians (male guitar player and female singer harmonizing) broke into Let’s Stay Together! They did it very well. An auspicious coincidence that made us very happy.

  2. Oh, I LOVES me some Al Green. Chas and I joke that an A.G. CD should be every couple’s wedding gift.

    Got to see him live in 2007, and he was phenomenal, considering the energy it took to do that show at his age. At any age. He even did some of the high squeaky dolphin noises. Coolest part was watching him “direct” hi very tight band, with his hands, without looking at them. Subtle, except he was wearing white gloves so the band could see his hands. Took me a while to figure out the gloves, and then I couldn’t take my eyes off them. A flick of his wrist and the band would stop cold, or bring it down to a low hum, etc.

    If you haven’t seen him, go see him.

    Thanks for the nice thoughts today, Miss Wreke. 🙂

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