
just saying a howdy to anyone who might have wandered here thanks to the magic of television. i’m your host, wreke, and i’d love to tell you a little about the place.

i’m a mom. i’m a writer. i’m a webgrrl, too. i’m also the toilet paper fairy and apparently the only person in this house who realizes that bath towels do not jump up and clean themselves. oh, and i’m from NJ; and yes, i can trace the first 24 years of my life based on exits. (for you jerseyan trivia buffs, i grew up at exit 82A (GSP), went to college at exit 9 (Tpke), and have lived off exits 105 (GSP), 8, and 10 (both Tpke) until moving to the Commonwealth. and no, i do not sport big hair but i do sport a big mouth.)

i’ve been blogging since 2002. i tend to write about my kids, daughter Beloved Child (BC) and delightful hellboy Jools (an equally beloved child; he was just born after i had been blogging about BC for awhile.) as a political animal, i often tilt at windmills, large and small, in the political arena.

and i lurve music. every monday, i feature a guilty pleasure song that would make my music snob pals cringe. i’m evil that way. one month, i featured blatantly bad 70s songs, every single day of the month. oh, the humanity!

i don’t capitalize often. i do know how, and it isn’t an e e cummings thing. i’m just l a z y that way. unabashedly opinionated, i’m sort of like a cross between erma bombeck and iggy pop, only i don’t smear food all over my chest when i’m pissed. i simply write. (well, i irritate my Beloved Spouse, aka BS, generally. but the warranty is up, so he can’t throw me back, no matter how annoying i become.)

and occasionally, i’ll talk about CVID, something i wrestle with daily. it stinks, but i intend to live to be a pain in everyone’s collective ass for a very long time.

so welcome. poke your nose around. kick the tires. applaud me. argue with me. whatever floats your boat.

just don’t mind the dust bunnies. my masters isn’t in housekeeping, you know.

5 thoughts on “hello

  1. how’s the media whoring these days? 😉 Hey – I fly in Monday night and leave Thursday afternoon. Tuesday night is a possibility, but the week in April might be better. Jaxx xx

  2. Just for the record, I’m also from Jersey and no, I can’t trace my life to any exits. We lived in the middle of nowhere (complete with cornfields in my backyard). I do have a big mouth, though. That does come with the territory. 😉

  3. Interesting that life is marked by exit numbers in Jersey. Here in Detroit we have our “mile roads,” as in: “I grew up north of 8 Mile Road.” You may recall the movie “8 Mile” loosely based on Eminem’s rise to prominence. Eight Mile is the divide between urban Detroit and the “hostile suburbs.” The numbers begin at Five Mile to the south and stretch all the way into the 30s way out in the exurbs.

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