guilty pleasure monday: steal my sunshine (len)

i know it’s up for me if you steal my sunshine…

sure, this song steals it’s sunshiney groove from andrea true connection’s disco classic more, more, more — it’s impossible to miss that beat (at about 2:25 in the more more more video.)  and it’s not the most substantial song going. but 1999’s steal my sunshine by one-hit-wonder len is a little guilty pleasure for me. i appreciate perfect pop in all it’s forms — and this confection is light, airy, and earworm material.

i remember hearing this song constantly the first time we went on vacation with our little baby BC. because we live far away from family, the stress of two careers, a baby, a leaking roof, and maintaining life as we knew it was definitely beginning to take its toll. we found a club med in florida that had a baby club, complete with (at the time) a dedicated baby chef and absolute family friendliness. we decided to go there, and we figured we’d see whether we could steal an hour or two here and there just to vegetate while BC hopefully played happily with other little babies.

BC played very happily with the people who ran the baby club — so much so that she didn’t want to leave. so an hour or two stretched into a morning… and some days, a morning stretched into an afternoon. for the first time in months, BS and i had time to…gasp…read books! and over the PA system, i heard steal my sunshine seemingly on constant rotation. and all was good.

definitely a time that was the calm before the storm.

so whenever i hear this song, i immediately imagine i have a cold, fruity drink in my hand, a good book in front of me, and a lot of crazy europeans jumping in swimming pools all around me, some of whom probably ought to rethink their bathing attire.

well, two out of three ain’t bad.

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