you are one-of-a-kind. unless, of course, you are schizophrenic. me, unique is an absolute term, meaning unparalleled or without an equivalent. it is nonpareil (and not to be confused with the yummy chocolate candy that features such little white beads.) and when people state that something is VERY unique, it makes me CRA-ZY! and no, i am not some pedantic asshole who looks down from on high; i’m just a person who appreciates proper word usage.
advertisers have trumpeted the word unique, making it mean extraordinary. and yes, something can be extraordinary if it is unique. but being extraordinary doesn’t necessarily mean something is unique — two different concepts. i mean, i think plenty of things are out-of-this-world, but they are also reproducible.
but unique? ah. there’s the difference. the only one.
like this guy:
and, since it’s november 18, there’s another special guy who completely fits the bill:
happy birthday, BS!
Yep – unique takes, and requires, no modifier. As a professional pedantic asshole, um, editor, pedantic editor, I *can* look down from on high to say that you’re right. 😉
Also, unique is not the same as good. Some things should *remain* one of a kind.
wow, you mean *i* could be a pedantic asshole and get PAID FOR IT??? sally struthers never mentioned anything like that in her commercial (
(just kidding, dude. some of my best friends are editors and are among some of the smartest people i know 🙂
Mine in this category? The phrase “one of the only”. Only implies one. “One of the few” people. Please!