…because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6DjLFX6m6Ijools never used to be the pickiest eater on the planet. in fact, he will eat (and enjoy) random things, like salmon tikka. but the boy will not eat fruit, nope. and the boy refuses to down yogurt. while he will sometimes eat a scrambled egg, options start to get limited here. and i was tired of feeding him cocoa krispies, which is what the boy really wants.
so i let my fingers do the walking, and i found a recipe for double chocolate pancakes from the site feeding my kids better. yeah yeah yeah, i know. feeding them chocolate chips for breakfast is not exactly health food. but there are good things, like eggs and milk in there. and any time the boy goes to school with a full belly, well, fist pumps all around.
anyway, i made some yesterday afternoon and set them out to cool. (and yes, i used my beloved guittard cocoa rouge powder in them.) the boy came home from school and was famished, probably because i put the kibosh on his buying cookies (to go with his lunch, which consists of a few snacks that all are acceptable — this week — on this list.) so i warmed up a pancake.
he loved it.
he asked for more.
BC came home from school on the late bus. girlfriend tried one and ended up eating THREE.
okay, okay, so i’m not feeding them sugar-free, natural perfection. but i think we have a keeper.
sadly, i don’t have a picture. (people kept on eating them.) so close your eyes, and imagine a brownish pancake with chocolate chips…
Thanks for the link back! I’m sorry I accidentally deleted the comment you left on my blog. I’m so glad your family loved the pancakes.
I’m all for throwing in a handful of chocolate chips if the rest of the recipe is good and it means the little darlings will eat it! I often throw in the chocolate chips when I am making bran or zucchini muffins that are packed with lots of good stuff. The kids get distracted by the chocolate chips and eat it all…heh heh heh!
My pleasure — thanks for the recipe!
Now that my kids are older, they notice when I attempt to make things with bran or zucchini or pumpkin or ANYTHING that’s out of the ordinary. It’s much easier to fool them when they’re small. Sigh. So today’s batch of pancakes has 1 c regular unbleached flour and 1/2 c white whole wheat. We’ll see whether they notice. And little by little, if they don’t, well… 😉 Ssssh…
To me, feeding your kids is about the love and thought that go into preparing the meal. It’s not the dogmatic adherence to a particular diet or school of thought. White flour and sugar aren’t evil; they can be consumed in moderation like all things. When you’ve perfected the recipe, maybe you can figure out how to substitute whole-wheat flour. I also recommend making French toast from challah or brioche.