guilty pleasure monday: you do something to me (paul weller)

you can thank eastenders for this one.

first, the song.

and then, the explanation.

paul weller is not exactly a household name in america. but plenty of people have heard of the jam and even the style council, two bands in which weller was instrumental. (har de har har. i made a funny pun there, kids. wreke really needs to drink more coffee and stop being such a dork…but i digress.) weller has gone on to become a very respected and awarded artist in britain; pity he hasn’t gotten more attention here in the US.

anyway, what does paul weller have to do with eastenders?

we in the US are seven — yes, seven — years behind what people in the UK see on the long-running soap. people walk the streets on my TV who have since gone on to the end of their storyline. and some people, like my beloved kat and alfie, are actually making their return now (though they’re not gone yet from our storylines here.) kat, the proverbial eastend tart-with-a-heart, and alfie, a goofy but kind wide boy, are meant for each other. but the getting together part? a bit complicated, and it makes for one of the funniest, if not the funniest, eastenders episode ever.

but still, their passion is left, er, unconsummated, despite the insane lengths alfie goes through to try and get a condom in the middle of the night. yet when we realize that moment what a gentleman alfie truly is, paul weller’s song is playing in the background, a languid testament to those deep feelings of love.

i bet this one gets a lot of play at weddings in the UK.

One thought on “guilty pleasure monday: you do something to me (paul weller)

  1. Thanks for sharing this song and your Eastender memories. I am a big Paul Weller fan, saw him live several years back in Dublin, and am sad that I have not been able to see him since. I also used to be a huge Eastenders fan. I finally had to go cold turkey and quit the show. I used to read the Eastenders updates from the UK and “cheat” by watching the more up-to-date episodes whenever I visited the UK, and the one time I went to Australia. I still watch tons of British TV (my new obsession is “Shameless”), but no more Eastenders for me.

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